Bridge 2
We will always be there when you need us
We are family run Organisation that builds partnerships which focus on our client’s priorities and needs. We understand people new to disability find it challenging to navigate, particularly handling the administration and organising supports.
Bridge 2 Disability Care is a NDIS approved provider, committed to provide high quality and customised services that support clients to achieve their aspirations and inclusion in the community.
We provide services to suit your unique requirements

Why Bridge 2 Disability Care?
Our team is committed to provide the best supports and services which improves the lives of our clients treating them with care, respect, dignity and compassion.
We consistently exceed our client’s expectations by listening for and understanding their requirements, working to meet their needs and providing best practice information to assist in solving their problems. Our practical service delivery is modelled around the participant and their care givers. We also consider the family dynamics and how they can contribute to achieving one’s goals. We make things happens with you that are fun, purposeful and connect you with our community.
Vision : To partner with individuals to support and empower them to achieve their goals and dreams without any barriers.
Mission: To ensure our clients are provided with quality, sustainable and flexible services that meets their individual needs and goals.
Our Goal: Our goal is to empower people with disability to become independent and take part in the social, community, and recreational activities.
Our Aim: Bridge 2 Disability Care aims to provide support of highest standards that promotes independence, choice and dignity
Are you looking for Disability Care Services? Just Call us!
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. NDIS has brought significant change to the disability sector in WA and many people are somewhat confused about the processes and about their options.

Need disability care & Assistance
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Family Run Organisation
Building partnerships which focus on client priorities and needs
Our Care Factor
Practical service delivery modelled around the participant and their care givers
Skilled Staff
Professional and highly trained empathetic carers
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the way support is provided to Australians living with disability, their families and carers.
The NDIS provides reasonable and necessary supports for eligible people under 65 years of age with a permanent and significant disability. These supports are to help people with their day to day needs, as well as build capacity to achieve their goals in life whether at home, in the community or at work.
The NDIS is an insurance scheme so aims to support people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.
To find out more about the NDIS visit www.ndis.gov.au
What is the difference between NDIS and NDIA?
NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme.
It is a new national system of providing support to people with disability, their families and carers. It is focused on providing real choice and flexibility to people with disability, through the provision of personalised funding.
People with disability who are eligible take part in the scheme are called “participants”.
The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency.
What type of supports will the NDIS cover?
The NDIS covers a wide range of disability supports, services and equipment, where these are seen as reasonable and necessary.
These can include therapies, education, living arrangements, home modifications, communication assistive technology, mobility equipment, community participation activities, and support in gaining and maintaining employment, just to name a few.
To say that a support is ‘reasonable and necessary’ means that it should help in one or more of the following ways:
Achieving your goals.
- Increasing and maintaining independence.
- Developing necessary skills for everyday life, etc.
- Facilitating participation in your community.
- Gaining employment and working.
- It is also important that the supports outlined in your plan are:
Funded in a cost-effective way.
- Make allowances for what is reasonable to expect of families, carers and the community.
- Not more suitably provided through other support systems.
- Not illegal or intended to replace income.
Is there any limit to the funding available for my plan?
The NDIS does not have a defined limit for each persons funding. Funding is very personalised, and tailored for your specific needs. When support is deemed as ‘reasonable and necessary’, you are entitled to funding for that support. Hence, the focus is not on the cost of funding, but on delivering the supports you need to achieve your goals.
For more information on the NDIS, visit http://www.ndis.gov.au/
What is the price guide?
The price guide sets a price by the NDIS for supports offered under NDIS. It determines what a service provider can charge for supports, much like a Medicare line item.
Some people find it helpful to look through to better understand the breadth of supports available. However, it isn’t an exhaustive list as it doesn’t cover every single item.
For more information visit the price guide pages on the NDIS website.
How can Bridge 2 Disability Care help?
Bridge 2 Disability Care is a registered provider of the NDIS and can give you advice about the NDIS. Our services are individually tailored and we currently provide a range of services to WA NDIS participants.

Bridge 2 Disability Care helped me to find suitable and passionate support workers. My unique requirements were taken onboard and I was encouraged to play a active role in choosing the right staff. With continued support I was able to achieve my goals and I am happy about the positive impact it has made to my life.
ParticipantAs a support worker for Bridge 2 Disability Care it gives me a lot of satisfaction to know that I work for a company that really cares about the lives of the people it supports. Bridge 2 Disability Care encourages their support workers to actively teach independent life skills, travel training, personal care and just have fun with outings and activities.
Support WorkerAs parents of 5-year-old boy with autism and complex needs, we were struggling to manage time amidst special school, regular specialist and therapy appointments. We were stressed regarding meeting the compliance requirements from NDIS with regards to record keeping. Bridge 2 Disability Care Team came on board providing us peace of mind by taking over the day-to-day administration tasks. The invoices were paid quickly, monthly statements helped us keep track of budgets. Most importantly they are always approachable and ready to help with any NDIS query.
Bridge 2 Disability Care - Your Disability Support Partners!
Specialists in Disability Care, Assistance with Personal Activities, and Community Participation. Disability Services in Western Australia, WA.
What is a disability?
A disability is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions).
What are some of the disabilities?
Some examples of common disabilities you may find are:
vision Impairment.
deaf or hard of hearing.
mental health conditions.
intellectual disability.
acquired brain injury.
autism spectrum disorder.
physical disability.
What are the 21 types of disabilities?
Leprosy Cured persons.
Hearing Impairment.
Locomotor Disability.
Intellectual Disability.
Mental Illness.
What is disability in simple words?
A disability is any condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activities or interact with the world around them. These conditions, or impairments, may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory, or a combination of multiple factors.
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Disability Services Australia
About DSA. DSA is a dynamic for purpose social enterprise supporting 3,000 people with a disability, and employing more than 1,600 people in key regions of New South Wales, including Metropolitan Sydney, north to the Hunter and Tamworth, across to the Central West, and down to the Southern Highlands and Southern Ranges ...
What is Disability Services Australia?
About DSA. DSA is a dynamic for purpose social enterprise supporting 3,000 people with a disability, and employing more than 1,600 people in key regions of New South Wales, including Metropolitan Sydney, north to the Hunter and Tamworth, across to the Central West, and down to the Southern Highlands and Southern Ranges ...
What is the role of the National Disability Services?
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Our role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.
What is the Disability Service Act?
The Act commits the NSW Government to promoting inclusion of people with disability, which will enrich community life for everyone. ... The four-year State Disability Inclusion Plan will aim to improve access to mainstream services and to ensure that people with disability are included in the community.
How can you help someone with a disability?
6 ways you can support people with disabilities
Ask first and follow their lead. Don't assume people need help. ...
Speak clearly, listen well. ...
Speak directly to people. ...
Be aware of personal space. ...
Be flexible to family members of people with disabilities. ...
When setting meetings, check accessibility.
What is a disability card Australia?
The National Companion Card brings together state and territory programs that enable eligible people with disability who require attendant care support to participate at venues and activities without incurring the cost of a second ticket for their companion.
What benefits can I claim for disability?
Some benefits you might get are:
Universal Credit.
Personal Independence Payment ( PIP ) or Disability Living Allowance ( DLA )
Attendance Allowance.
Employment and Support Allowance ( ESA )
What is a disability?
A disability is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions).
What is difference between NDIS and Ndia?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is known as NDIS. It is basically the legislation that was passed by the government to set up the Scheme to support people with a disability. The National Disability Agency is known as NDIA.
What are the 6 disability standards?
There are six National Standards that apply to disability service providers in Australia:
Rights. ...
Participation and Inclusion. ...
Individual Outcomes. ...
Feedback and Complaints. ...
Service Access. ...
Service Management.
What does the Disability Discrimination Act cover?
The Act makes disability discrimination unlawful and promotes equal rights, equal opportunity and equal access for people with disabilities. In relation to work, the DDA covers all areas of employment and makes it unlawful for a person to be discriminated against because of their disability.
What does the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 cover?
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, in many areas of public life, including employment, education, getting or using services, renting or buying a house or unit, and accessing public places, because of their disability.
People with disability - Services Australia
Payments and services for you, your family or carers, if you have an illness, injury or disability.
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Locations we serve in Western Australia: Perth, Bunbury, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Albany, Busselton, Karratha, Broome, Port Hedland, Esperance, Yanchep, Collie, Northam, Margaret River, Dunsborough, Newman, Carnarvon, Kununurra, Narrogin, Manjimup, Pinjarra, Katanning, Derby, Tom Price, Port Denison-Dongara, Harvey, Merredin, Denmark, York, Donnybrook, Exmouth, Waroona, Two Rocks, Drummond Cove, Capel, Mount Barker, Bullsbrook, Kambalda West, Little Grove, Moora, Wickham, Cowaramup, Halls Creek, Mundijong, Bridgetown, Jurien Bay, Paraburdoo, Wagin, Kalbarri, Serpentine, Binningup, Kojonup, Boddington-Ranford, Fitzroy Crossing, Augusta, Dampier
Disability Services in Western Australia, WA | Bridge 2 Disability Care
What are two support services that could be accessed by a disability client?
A person with a disability can access general services, including:
community health.
early childhood and education services.
sport and recreation.
maternal and child health services.
When did NDIS start in WA?
Introduction. The NDIS was introduced by the Gillard Labor Government on 1 July 2013, beginning with a trial phase known as the NDIS Launch. The NDIS began to be introduced across Australia from July 2016.
What is the Disability Services Act 1993?
An Act to provide for the funding and provision of disability services in accordance with certain principles and objectives; and for other related purposes. This Act may be cited as the Disability Services Act 1993.
Western Australia disability services
Services that were delivered through WA state government agencies are now delivered through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Advocating for the rights and empowering people with disability in Western Australia. ... Welcome to People With disabilities (WA). How we can help.
Community Disability Support Services Perth, WA
We provide disability support services to people of all ages throughout Western Australia including the provision of services to people who are deafblind.
Disability Services Perth WA
Bridge 2 Disability Care Australia is a charitable, not for profit organisation providing disability support services to people of all ages throughout WA. Find out more.
Disability Services Perth WA | Intellectual Disability, Disability Support, NDIS Perth WA
As one of Perth's leading Disability Services agencies ✅, we provide ✅ NDIS Planning, ✅ Positive Behaviour Support, ✅Supported Independent Living Accommodation and ✅ Community Support. ✅ For more information call us
Disability Support Services | Disability Services Perth & WA
We're WA's largest disability service provider to both adults and children. Enabling people living with an intellectual disability to pursue a better life.
National Disability Services (NDS) is Australia's peak industry body for non-government disability service organisations.
Find NDIS services providers fast and easy. Provider Direct is a free online directory. Find NDIS service providers near you. List your business for free.
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